Birdie Break Co-Founders on Creating Accessible, On-Demand Childcare

Cassidy Raffin and Melanie Swerden teamed up to create Birdie Break, an accessible childcare app to make finding sitters easy and trustworthy.
Elaine Fancy on Carrying Her Own Weight as a Creative Entrepreneur

Despite a steady stream of obstacles, photographer Elaine Fancy outlines how she leveraged technology to build her own multimedia enterprise.
How Hayley Elsaesser Challenged the Fashion Industry’s Status Quo

Meet entrepreneur Hayley Elsaesser, whose bold, inclusive, and body-positive designs have created the most expressive label in the country.
Kayla Grey on Saying Yes to Yourself and Changing the World of Sports

Female broadcaster Kayla Grey is on a mission to change the look of sports media, for misrepresented communities, once and for all.
Martha Durdin on Rewriting the Narrative of Women in the Workplace

CEO of CCUA, Martha Durdin, offers her own advice about succeeding in the business world and advancing as a woman in the workplace.
Executives Outline How Hybrid Work Models Can Work for Everyone

How do we design a long-term, hybrid work model that increases equity and diversity? Two executives offer the blueprint for the future.
How MedEssist Streamlined Healthcare Access Through Entrepreneurship

Founders of patient relationship platform, MedEssist, prove how entrepreneurship can act as an aspirational platform for healthcare reform.
Marketing Public Companies: 5 Lessons to Learn from Female Leaders

Elaine McCullogh, VP of Marketing at NeuPath Health, shares five ways to better understand your audience and correctly market your brand.