From Miles to Moments: Air Miles President Shawn Stewart on Reinventing Loyalty for Canadians

In an age of abundant choice and competition, brand loyalty is more challenging to capture and sustain than ever. With consumers increasingly expecting both tangible value and emotional connection, Air Miles’ President, Shawn Stewart, offers a fresh perspective on the enduring concept of loyalty. Under his leadership, Air Miles has shifted its focus beyond traditional […]

How to Get the Most Out of Your Travel Planning Experience

Blue skyscape filled with multicoloured hot air balloons.

Since the end of the pandemic, international travel has seen its ups and down. Most people who planned their trips have yet to use their travel voucher to compensate for the deficit of funds from pre-planned trips that fell apart in the peak pandemic era.  With neverending lines and lost luggage, Canadians are looking for […]

The Future of Loyalty According to AIR MILES’ Shawn Stewart

A plan flying through a cloudy sky shot from underneath.

In Canada, loyalty rewards programs have grown to be a massive industry, providing Canadians with more and more opportunities to stretch their dollars across all verticals and channels, with no signs of slowing down. AIR MILES Reward Program has certainly led the pack over the past several decades, and with both new ownership and leadership […]