Swiss Chalet announces Canadians can use Google Assistant to re-order their favourite meals


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“Hey Google, order Swiss Chalet.”

Written By Jordana Colomby

Say goodbye to tap payments and credit card swipes, because Swiss Chalet Rotisserie & Grill just blasted the food service industry even further into the future. That’s right, the Google Assistant app can now reorder your favourite meal on your behalf from one of Swiss Chalet’s 200+ locations. The company announced this morning that they would be offering an even quicker and easier way for customers to get their rotisserie fix by pairing up with the voice automated app for takeout and delivery Canadians just have to link their Swiss Chalet account to their Google Assistant and then simply tell Google Assistant their order.  The popular Canadian chain is the first in the country to adopt Google Assistant into their mobile platform.

David Colebrook, vice-president of marketing at CARA, Swiss Chalet’s restaurant brand, says, “Canadians are constantly on-the-go so being able to offer the convenience of voice-enabled ordering is an exciting advancement in our ongoing commitment to enhancing out guest’s ordering experience.”