Master the Art of Networking


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Two networking vets use connections to take their business to the next level.

Written by Bay Street Bull Staff

Understanding how people tick is a crucial element when you run a business founded in creating exceptional experiences. Concierge Club founder, Monica Gomez, and account director, Monika Jakarsezian, know a thing or two about the subject, having worked with a roster of premium clientele that expect nothing but the best. Their secret? Lasting relationships. Here, the savvy business women share their tips on using a network to amplify your business and boost your career.

How important is networking to growing your business?

MG: Networking is a great tool to not only meet people that are in the same field, but also, to meet different kinds of people who might introduce you to new ways of thinking. You never know who your next client might be and you should treat every interaction as if it’s a new business opportunity.

If you could arm others with one tip on networking, what would it be?

MJ: Do your homework. Before going to a networking event or having an informational coffee with someone, be sure to read up on who they are and what they do. If you’re able to speak to their business and why it interests you, this will go a really long way. At the end of the day, people want to help others that take a vested interest in their business.

MG: Connect and stay in touch. Meeting new people and chatting with them is a great start, but it’s even better to exchange business cards or e-mails in order to create a lasting relationship. I also like to send a follow-up note after I meet someone to set up a date to connect. People will really appreciate you taking that extra step.

What should people who are new to networking do before they start?

MJ: Practice makes perfect, so start off by practicing your personal introduction in front of your friends and family. Keep it short, sweet, and genuine. This will really help you build your confidence and make approaching new people an easier task. Think about what you can say in the first five minutes of meeting someone that would leave a lasting impression in his or her mind. Also remember that your discussion topics do not always need to be focused around business. Sometimes it is best to find a commonality with the person you are chatting with. Do you love the same restaurant? Or, follow the same sports team? Creating that personal connection will help you build a lasting relationship.

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