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Sunny from My Bollywood Body in the gym listing a dumbbell.
Digital image featuring a surreal-like artificial brain against a background that has wavy lines and looks very cerebral.
Bearded man wearing glasses, a dark blazer and lavender dress shirt smiling against a black backdrop.
Photo of two people sitting in a grassy field. The logo for the Antidepressant tapering company Outro is superimposed on the image.
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BIG Story Feature Image (4388 × 2469 px) (6)
Paddy Cosgrave wearing a black t-shirt with the web summit logo. He is holding his hands in a prayer position and looking up onto a stage with an auditorium of people behind him.
Michael Garrity, CEO of the tech company Financeit, sitting on a stool in a white room with some plants in the background. He is wearing blue jeans, a white, button down shirt, and he is smiling.