Cannabis Culture Makers for Women


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These resources and media are devoted to women interested in the evolution of the cannabis business and culture.

Women Grow

This US-based organization dedicated to creating a female-led cannabis business revolution was founded in Colorado in 2014 and now boasts chapters throughout the United States and Canada. Entrepreneurship is central to many of the workshops and discussions at the annual leadership summit and local community events covering networking, investment basics, and creating pitch decks.

High Friends

The tagline for High Friends is “a podcast for women who love cannabis” but that could be misinterpreted to mean just the psychoactive effect. It’s actually much more than that. Founded by brand strategist Rachel Colic and cannabis access advocate Gill Polard, High Friends explores subjects from the future challenges of running a small business in a Big Cannabis world to the unique advantages of being a female entrepreneur.

The Green Tent

In addition to advocating for gender parity at the board level, this organization offers space and networking opportunities for female entrepreneurs at larger cannabis events, such as O’Cannabiz and the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC). It provides female-first-and-friendly gathering spots and workshops that cover topics such as pitch refinement, brand development, and how to navigate the uniquely complex, yet nascent, world of cannabis networking.


For insights into what’s trending in the tastemaker segment of the female cannabis market before it hits the mainstream, look to Portland-based, internationally-distributed Broccoli magazine. This women-led, women-targeted indie mag was founded by alumnae of Kinfolk, the indie pub that jump-started the small magazine revolution. Broccoli appeals to a socially-conscious female millennial sensibility with its subdued hues, minimalist photography, and counter-culturally minded reporting. Past stories have focused on cannabis floral arranging, cool smoking paraphernalia, and hipster cannabis-adjacent topics such as indie pop and candle-making.

Women & Weed

Women’s cannabis lifestyle brand Van der Pop presents this ongoing speaker series featuring female executives at the forefront of the industry discussing pressing topics about the ever-shifting culture and business of cannabis. Past speakers have included venture capitalists, educators, designers, and health and wellness experts discussing everything from self-care and wellness to how women are changing the makeup of the industry.


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